Лабораторная работа 5


"Программирование GUI в Х-Window.

Язык программирования TCL/TK (тикл-так)"



1.  Зарегистрироваться в системе, стартовать оконный интерфейс.


2.   Определить   наличие  в  файловой   системе   командной   оболочки TCL/TK - wish. Сохранить полный путь к wish первым в списке путей поиска.


3.  Создать шаблон wish-скрипта для следующих пунктов лабораторного задания:


#!/usr/bin/wish -f

set tk_strictMotif 1

toplevel .vasja





4.   Создать несколько widgets типа label с различными значениями ресурсов    text,    background,    foreground,    relief,    font.    Расположить    их различными способами (опция -side команды pack).


5.  Создать widget типа entry с видимой областью ввода и заданной шириной.


6.  Создать набор widgets типа label и entry для контроля вводимых переменных. Пару расположить горизонтально, вертикально.


7.  Создать widget типа scale для ввода целочисленной переменной, значение которой лежит в диапозоне 0-100, с шагом 10. Ориентировать widget горизонтально. Начальное значение слайдера - 40.


8.   Создать widget типа button заданной ширины для запуска - при нажатии на нее - одного из известных вам Х-клиентов.


9.    Используя   widgets   типа      frame,   scale,   button,   (возможно   -radiobutton, checkbutton), label, entry, разработать пользовательское Х-окно для работы с аудио-аппаратурой одной из известных фирм.




На панели управления обязательно должны быть отображены регуляторы правого/левого канала записи, правого/левого каналов воспроизведения, кнопки выбора режимов запись/воспроизведение,               индикатор               состояния  (запись/воспроизведение), кнопка включения, окно для ввода номера выбираемой для записи/прослушивания композиции.






Примеры генерации widgets с помощью конструкций языка TCL/TK

1.Label widgets

label .label1 -text "This is a text label"

pack .label1_______________________________

label .Iabel2 -text "More text" -relief sunken

pack .Iabel2

label .Iabel3 -text "Coloured text" -background red -foreground blue

pack .Iabel3_______________________________________

label .Iabel4 -text $text

pack .Iabel4


set text "Hello there"

source label4.tcl

                         set text "Bve for now"._______________________

label .Iabel4 -width 20 -textvariable text

#This example shows different forms for the label widget

label .Iab1 -text "This is text"

label .Iab2 -text "This is coloured text" -foreground red

-background blue

label .Iab3 -text "Sunken text" -relief sunken      

label .Iab4 -text "Grooved text" -relief groove

label .Iab5 -text "Flat text"   -relief flat

label .Iab6 -text "Ridged text" -relief ridge

label .Iab7 -text "Raised text" -relief raised

label .Iab8 -text "Times font"

-font *-times-medium-r-normal~*-100-*

pack .Iab1 .Iab2 .Iab3 .Iab4 .Iab5 .Iab6 .Iab7 .Iab8 -padx 2m -pady 1m -fill x


2. Entry widgets

entry .entrybox1 -textvariable variable

            pack .entrybox1_______________________________

entry .entrybox2 -relief ridge -textvariable variable

_____________     pack .entrybox2______________________

entry .entrybox3 -width 30 -relief groove -textvariable variable

pack .entrybox3

puts $variable



3. Listbox widgets

listbox .listbox1

pack .listbox1

#The following is an example of a widget specific command -this is

#the insert operation for listboxes, which inserts a list of

#items starting at line 0

.listboxi insert 0 red orange yellow green blue indigo violet



3. Scale widgets

#Make a scale, oriented vertically, going down from 50 to 0.

#Tick marks are places alongside the scale every 10 units.

scale .scale1 -width 10 -orient vertical -length 280

-from 50 -to 0 -command "set var1"

-tickinterval 10 -relief raised

label .Iab1 -width 10 -textvariable var1 -relief sunken

pack .scale1 .Iab1 -padx 1m -pady 2m -fill x

#Now set the value of scale to 25 using a widget command

.scale1 set 25


4.  Command binding

#Set up a button with a command"

button .button1 -text "Press Here" -command "exec echo Hello there"

pack .button1________________________________________

#Set up a button with a command"

button .button2 -text "Press Here" -command "exec echo Hello $Name"

pack .button2

set Name "Groucho Marx"________________________________

#Set up a button with a command"

button .button3 -text "Press Here" -command "exec echo Hello $Name"

pack .button3


Set Name "Mickie Mouse"


When the button is pressed, Groucho Marx is displayed.

5. Packing

For example

button .button1 -text "Buttoni" -command "cmd1"

button .button2 -text "Button2" -command "cmd2"

button .button3 -text "Button3" -command "cmd3"

pack .button1 .button2 .button3


simply creates three buttons, and packs them vertically, while.


button .button1 -text "Buttoni" -command "cmd1"

button .button2 -text "Button2" -command "cmd2"

button .button3 -text "Button3" -command "cmd3"

pack .buttoni .button2 .button3 -side left


packs the three buttons in a horizontal line.


6.  Using frames to improve packing

Frames are widgets whose main purpose is to contain other widgets - they don't do very much themselves. They are useful for helping to pack widgets into two dimensional layouts. Suppose we want to create the following layout:


label1   entry1

Iabel2   entry2

Iabel3   entry3


This can conveniently be done by defining two frames to contain the two columns, and then packing the frames, as shown below:


frame    .f1

frame    .f2

label .f1.label1 -text "Label1"

label .f1.label2 -text "Label2"

label .f1.Iabel3 -text "Label3"

#Vertically pack labels

pack  .f1.label1 .f1.label2  .f1.label3

entry .f2.entry1 -textvariable entrydata1 -relief sunken

entry .f2.entry2 -textvariable entrydata2 -relief sunken

entry .f2.entry3 -textvariable entrydata3 -relief sunken

#Vertically pack entry boxes

pack .f2.entry1 .f2.entry2 .f2.entry3

#horizontally pack columns

pack .f1 .f2 -side left


Alternatively, three frames packed vertically above each other may be used to contain a single label and entry widget which are packed side by side:





frame    .f1

frame    .f2

frame    .f3

label .f1.label1 -text "Label 1"

entry .f1.entry1 -textvariable entrydata1 -relief sunken

#pack these two horizontally

pack .f1.label1 .f1.entry1 -side left

label .f2.label1 -text "Label2"

entry .f2.entry1 -textvariable entrydata2 -relief sunken

pack .f2.label1 .f2.entry1 -side left

label .f3.label1 -text "Label3"

entry .f3.entry1 -textvariable entrydata3 -relief sunken

pack .f3.label1 .f3.entry1 -side left

#now pack each frame vertically

pack .f1 .f2 .f3


7.  Using radio buttons

radiobutton .male -width 10 -text "Male" -variable sex -value "Male"

radiobutton .female -width 10 -text "Female" -variable sex -value "Female"

set sex Female


8.  Using check buttons

#set gender "Female" - initialisation - if needed

checkbutton .sex1 -width 15 -textvariable "gender" -variable sex

-onvalue Male -offvalue Female

-command {set gender $sex}


When the checkbutton is set on, the value of the variable sex is set to Male, and when the button is off, the value is set to Female.y


9. Menus

#First make a menu button

menubutton .menu1 -text "Unix commands" -menu .menu1.m -underline 0

#Now make the menu, and add the lines one at a time

menu .menu1.m

.menu1.m add command -label "List Files" -command {Is}

.menu1.m add command -label "Get date" -command {date}

.menu1.m add command -label "Start calendar" -command {xcalendar}

pack .menu1


12. Data entry example


With the widgets so far described, it is possible to make a small data entry example. It is not very sophisticated, and carries out no data validation, but illustrates the ease of creating a data entry screen.

The following personal data is to be collected:


Surname, First names, Address, Telephone number, Sex, Age


The layout of the display will have a column of labels to the left, with a column of entry and other widgets to the right. This can be implemented using two frames, one for each column.

Additionally, when all the data is entered, a Save button will store the data in a file, for future use, either by a TCL program, or by an external program, and a Quit button will cause the program to finish.


#Define 2 frames -1 to contain the columns, and 1 to contain the

#Save and Quit button.

frame .fr1

frame .fr2

#Define two frames for the columns

frame .fr1.c1

frame .fr1.c2

#define labels

label .fr1.c1.Iab1 -text "Surname"

label .fr1.c1.lab2 -text "First Names"

label .fr1.c1.Iab3 -text "Address"

label .fr1.c1.lab4 -text "Telephone Number"

label .fr1.c1.lab5 -text "Sex"

label .fr1.c1.lab6 -text "Age"

#Now define the other widgets for the data

entry .fr1.c2.surname1   -width 30 -relief sunken -textvariable surname

entry .fr1.c2.firstname1  -width 30 -relief sunken -textvariable firstnames

entry .fr1.c2.address1    -width 30 -relief sunken -textvariable address

entry .fr1.c2.telephone   -width 20 -relief sunken -textvariable telno

entry .fr1.c2.age1           -width 20 -relief sunken -textvariable age

entry .fr1.c2.sex1            -width 20 -relief sunken -textvariable sex

#We shall defer consideration of the use of radio buttons for

#the next section, so we will simply allocate an entry widget for

 #Sex for the moment.

#Now define the buttons for saving and quitting

button .fr2.button1 -text "Save" -command {savecommand}

button .fr2.button2 -text "Quit" -command {exit}

#Note: the command for save could be done by system

#dependent commands, or by TCL commands.

#For portability it is best to package them into a TCL procedure

#Now pack all the widgets together - first within each frame

#Column 1 widgets

pack .fr1.c1.lab1  .fr1.c1.lab2  .fr1.c1.lab3  .fr1.c1.lab4 .fr1.c1.lab5  .fr1.c1.lab6 -pady 1m

#Column 2 widgets

pack .fr1.c2.surname1 .fr1.c2.firstname1 .fr1.c2.address1 .fr1.c2.telephone .fr1.c2.sex1 .fr1.c2.age1

 -padx 3m -pady 1m -fill x

#Now pack frames side by side

pack .fr1.c1  .fr1.c2  -side left

#now develop the procedure for saving the data file

proc savecommand {} {

#external variables have to be declared as "global"

global surname firstnames address telno sex age

set file [open /tmp/outfile w]

puts $file $surname

puts $file $firstnames

puts $file Saddress

puts $file $telno

puts $file $sex

puts $file Sage

close $file


#Note: In Unix this could have been written as

#        proc savecommand {} {

#           global surname firstnames address telno sex age

#           exec echo $surname    > /tmp/outfile

#           exec echo $firstnames             >> /tmp/outfile

#           exec echo $address   >> /tmp/outfile

#           exec echo $telno         >> /tmp/outfile

#           exec echo $sex           >> /tmp/outfile

#           exec echo $age           >> /tmp/outfile

#       }

# And finally pack the Save and Quit buttons at the bottom

pack .fr2.button1 .fr2.button2 -padx 2m -pady 1m -fill x

pack .fr1

pack .fr2 -padx 2m -pady 1 m -fill x

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